Customer Testimonials

Read what Wood Ingenuity customers have to say:

We needed someone to create

We needed someone to create a wrap around mantle for our fireplace. Apparently, that’s not so common. David Boyle accepted the challenge with enthusiasm and we’re so grateful that he did. The result is better than we imagined. What David created with a piece of pine from an old tree that no one wanted is beautiful and rustic! We couldn’t be more pleased! David is conscientious, reliable and imaginative! We would be happy to recommend him for any wood related project! Our next project might be a grand dining room table!

Dawn & Bruce White

Excellent Work

David and Luke did a great job custom milling logs from an Ash that had died and needed to come down. The biggest log was too big for me to handle so they came and picked it up. I assisted with the milling, and after delivery this morning I have a stickered pile of boards and slabs to dry. Excellent work from start to finish.

Dave Corddry
Annapolis, MD

Enormous Capability

David has an enormous capability to handle and mill very large logs with his equipment, but equally important is his commitment to doing it right and giving the customer exactly what they want. I have really enjoyed working with him.


Jim McMartin

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